Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Begining

New Year, New Life. This is the year that I will be losing at least 80 lbs. I am going to do this the old fashion way with "diet" and exercise. Every night I will blog everything I did in the day. Everything I eat and the amount of time exercise. I will weigh myself once a week on Saturdays. Tomorrow I will weigh myself and take all my measurements. I will post it ALL. I am doing this to help keep me focused and to see week-to-week the progress I am making. I want to keep myself in check and accountable to someone. Even if its just me :) No matter what, I want to keep records of EVERYTHING! I don't have any monumental goals set, but I want to at least lose 40 lbs. by the begining of summer. That gives me 5 months till the beginning of June. 5 months to lose 40 lbs. Wish me luck!!!